Privacy Policy

Thank you for using resources to help reduce transportation demand and improve air quality in New York State.  We recognize that it is critical for individuals and businesses to be confident that their privacy is protected when they use our services. 

We only collect and utilize the information that you decide to provide to us voluntarily including your name, address, and phone number(s).  

Your addresses, along with information about your commute, are only collected if you are interested in ridematcihing with other users. This information is completely voluntary, and can be deleted by you at any time.  

We never collect sensitive information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc.

Your email is used as your user identification, and the web site uses it to send you your initial password, for password resets, and to send other operational emails.  Your email and phone numbers may be used by our member support team to contact you. Your email and phone numbers may be shared with other users if you have elected to do so. 511NY Rideshare will never share your email or phone number.

Your password is encrypted and inaccessible to everyone except for you.  You can securely reset your password at any time. Our team will never ask you for your password, and you should not provide it to anyone.

All of the information you provide is used solely for providing you the services and resources 511NY Rideshare offers, and is not used in any other way.  It is never sold nor disclosed to outside parties.

We use cookies, but only to allow the site to properly function. We do not use them for any other purpose, such as marketing or cross-site tracking.

Contact us by phone at 866-NY-COMMUTE (1.866.692.6668) or email us at [email protected] if you would like us to delete any information that you have shared with 511NY Rideshare.